Are you a up and coming photographer who’s turning your passion into a career or even just someone who wants to learn more about the industry and how to level up your photos?
I’m here to help. As a full time photographer there’s a few things I wish I had when I was learning and one of those things is a mentor.
With 4 years under my belt now I feel like I am at a point where I can offer helpful advice to people who are in the same spot I was.
Once you decide what mentor package is best for you we will arrange our zoom call or in person sessions. During our chats you can ask me any questions you may have about posing, pricing, finding your ideal style and clients, camera settings, editing workflow or anything else your looking for extra guidance in.
I have created 3 packages that suit all different levels and needs.
Virtual, in person shadow & shoot and extended support.
Virtual mentoring we will chat over zoom answering any questions you have. My 2 hour package can be split so we chat you go practice and then we check in again.
1 Hour: $100 +gst 2 hours: $175 +gst
In person mentoring we will arrange a model and choose location based on what type of session you are wanting to shoot. During the shoot you will shadow me to start and ask any questions you may have with anything I do. Then you will take the reins and I will shadow you offering any tips or feedback to help you create the best images. After the shoot we will meet for coffee and chat about any questions you have.
3-4 hours (includes studio rental): $435 +gst
Extended Support mentoring, we all know it takes time to perfect a craft and that comes with practice and experience. With this package we will meet 3 times. First we will chat, then shadow & shoot session, the second time I will check in to see how your progress is coming and answer any questions that have come up, lastly we will have another shadow & shoot session where you will take control of the entire session and I will shadow you to offer any advice needed. We will chat one last time to go over your progress and plan your next set of goals as a photographer.
10 - 12 hours: $1050 +gst
Send me a message and lets get started.